April 21, 2023: I just received the gorgeous Asheville Poetry Review. in which my poem “Escape Routes” appears, one of the finalists for the 2022 William Mathews Prize.

Maine Arts Commission’s 2023 Literary Arts Fellowship
In October, 2022, I learned I had won the Maine Arts Commission’s Literary Arts Fellowshiphttps://www.facebook.com/mainearts/posts/pfbid09fESy9fDCqYTaiAThCs8hYDRaBddodUrhLUVz818Geoa45HWUadFAkb4ghQ2cerPl
And here’s a link to the Portland Press Herald’s article about this year’s six winners. I love that they’ve included a picture of WAIT here!
I am delighted to be awarded one of the 2023 MWPA Monson Arts Fellowships! Here’s the citation from The Peavey on 10/27/22. There were three fellowships this year: “Congratulations to the three MWPA members who have been selected as this year’s Monson Fellows, thanks to our partnership with Monson Arts. All three will be residence in Monson for either two or four weeks sometime in the coming year. Two previous Monson Fellows served as jurors for this year’s applications, and we thank all who applied–it was a particularly strong group of writers from around Maine all doing excellent work. “
In addition to a long career as a high school teacher in Portland, South Portland, and Prague, Jeri Theriault earned an MFA at Vermont College, and her poetry collections include Radost, my red (Moon Pie Press) and In the Museum of Surrender, winner of the 2013 Encircle Chapbook Contest. In 2021, she edited WAIT: Poems from the Pandemic (Littoral Books), and her poems and reviews have appeared in many journals such as The Rumpus, The American Journal of Poetry, and Plume. Her most recent honors include: the 2023 Literary Arts Fellowship from the Maine Arts Commission, the 2022 NORward Prize (New Ohio Review), and a 2019 Maine Literary Award for poetry.
August 2022 I was the featured poet in Issue 14 of The Inflectionist Review. . Here’s my interview. The following poems were included: “Bone Church, “First Storm Alone,” “Landscape with a tram carrying,” “murmuration,” “My Father on Iwo Jima,” “The Sound of Water” and “The Thing with Feathers.“
Winner of the New Ohio Review 2022 NORward Prize. “Ode to My Father’s Body published in the Fall, 2022 print edition. Here’s the online and audio link.

While I was disappointed NOT to win the 2022 Grayson Books Poetry Contest, it was gratifying to first be one of 18 finalists (out of more than 400 submissions!) and then one of two honorable mentions. Here is the announcement:
Congratulations to the 2022 Grayson Books Poetry Contest winner, Kathleen Ellis. The title of her collection is Body of Evidence.
Yoni Hammer-Kossoy’s collection, The Book of Noah is the runner-up.
Contest judge John Sibley Williams also selected two collections of special merit as honorable mentions in the contest:
The Acrobatic Company of the Invisible by George Looney and
Self-Portrait as Homestead by Jeri Theriault.