Journal Publications

“Girlhood” was a finalist for the Charles Simic Prize run by Hold in the Head Review, v5 n4, Nov. 2024

“Small Room” appeared in Résonance, vol. 6 (2024)

“Old House” appeared in Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” 6/2/24

“Patrons” appeared in Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” 11/5/23

“After the Break-Up” and “Mother Tongue,” semi-finalists for the Charles Simic Prize, appeared in Hole in the Head Review 11/1/23.

“Single Wide” read by Julia Bouwsma on the Maine Public Radio Series, Poems from Here 6/17/23.

“Marriage Story with Travel and Contranyms” SWWIM 5/4/2023

“Artist’s Statement,” “20 Moor Street, 1934,” “20 Moor Street, 1940,” “23 Campbell Street,” and “[application] transport” appeared in Hole in the Head Review 02/02/23

“12 Gold Street” appeared in Third Wednesday 10/28/22

“Ode to My Father’s Body,” winner of the 2022 NORward Prize, appears in the Fall, 2022 issue (# 31) of New Ohio Review. Here’s the online and audio link.

“landscape with turtle” appeared in Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” 9/4/2022.

Bone Church, “First Storm Alone,” “Landscape with a tram carrying,” “murmuration,” “My Father on Iwo Jima,” “The Sound of Water” and “The Thing with Feathers.” appeared in The Inflectionist Review 8/2/22

“cave hollow” appeared in Rogue Agent 6/1/22

“Patrons” appeared in The Hole in the Head Review 5/1/22

grandmother as Scylla” appeared in SWWIM 5/1/22

“I revise my grandmother’s autobiography according to her name” appeared in Résonance 4/21/22

Judy Kaber, Belfast (ME) Poet Laureate presents my poem “Gloves” in her monthly column in The Republican Journal. 3/10/2022. You can also find “Gloves” on my Poetry page.

“Empty Nest” and “single wide” appeared in The American Journal of Poetry 1/1/22

“how the body heals” appeared in The Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” 11/7/2021

“Demeter in the sixth stage of grief” in The Mom Egg Review 10/14/2021

“ancestress” appeared in So to Speak 5/30/2021

“climacteric” appeared in SWWIM 5/6/2021

“against containment,” “landscape with turtle,” and “sonnet at sixty-five” appeared The Inflectionist Review 3/21/2021.

“reconciliation” appeared in Juked 1/21/ 2021.

“Philomela’s hoard” appeared in The Night Heron Barks 10/16/2020.

“reaping” appeared in Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water  (9/20/2020) curated by Megan Grumbling.

“I hang my mother’s laundry” read by Stuart Kestenbaum on the Maine Public Radio Series, Poems from Here 5/15/2020.

Four poems appear in Puerto del Sol 4/24/2020: “communion,” “reach,” “endless regimented movement,” and “voicemail.”

“More Troops Sent to Middle East Amid Fears of Unrest” appeared in Poets Reading the News, 1/ 27/2020

Two poems, “thirteen” and “woman as verb” appeared in the Winter edition of The Maine Arts Journal: UMVA Quarterly 1/1/2020

“bone deep” appeared in the Winter edition of Rust and Moth 12/ 2019.

“reaping” appeared in The Texas Review, 9/12/2019.

“hard breathing” and “topographic” published in Resonance, a new publication focusing on the Franco-American community. 2/26/2019.

“inukshuk” read by Stuart Kestenbaum on the Maine Public Radio Series, Poems from Here 2/1/2019. “inukshuk” was inspired by Celeste Roberge‘s “Rising Cairn” for Artword, 2018.

“the girl with almost useless hands,” “ornamental,” and “On Returning to my Childhood Church for my Father’s Funeral” in Connotation Press, An Online Artifact, 1/ 15/ 2019.

“how the body heals” in Burningword Literary Journal: The Best of 2018.

“earth dance” in the 12/ 16/ 2018  Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water curated by Gibson Fay-LeBlanc.

“first marriage” and “survival” in Balancing Act 2, 12/ 3/ 2018

“Both Sides” in Into the Void 10/25/18

“how the body heals” & “inukshuk” in Burningword Literary Journal 7/2018.

“Lucent” in Verse Daily  7/8/2018. AND Take a look at the Verse Daily archives for a wonderful poetry smorgasbord! 

“barista”  & “Charm for a DuLac Daughter” in Eunoia Review 6/1/2018.

“renegade rubenesque” The Rise-Up Review” Spring, 2018.

“After the Flood” in the 4/ 22/2018 Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” curated by Gibson Fay-LeBlanc.

 “free-write” in The American Journal of Poetry, 1/ 1/2018.

“Patchwork” read by Stuart Kestenbaum on the Maine Public Radio series, Poems from Here. 12/ 15/ 2017.

“Assemblage”  The Cafe Review  Fall, 2017. I wrote “Assemblage” for the first ArtWord (2016-17), sponsored by the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, Beloit Poetry Journal  and The Portland Museum of Art. 

“Invitation” in the  12/ 15/ 2017 Maine Sunday Telegram’s “Deep Water” curated by Gibson Fay-LeBlanc.


My poem “Gloves” won first place in the 2006 Perigee Poetry Contest, chosen by Marvin Bell who said: “I chose, from among the best poems, those that were written interestingly and had something insistent about their content.” “Gloves” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize that year. Find it on my poetry page.

Poet and Artist
